Kan Davaları ve Barışma Kampanyası konusundaki araştırma,  baskıcı Milošević rejiminin ilk yılları olan 1990-91 yılları arasında, Kosova’da gelişen bu eşsiz deneyimi kaydetmeye adanmıştır. Bu oluşumun önderleri ile – genç siyasi mahkumlarla, farklı dinlerin ruhban sınıfıyla, yazarlar ve akademisyenlerle- yaptığımız sözlü tarih söyleşileri üzerinden, bu kampanya sırasında ve sonrasında verilen ifadelerdeki farklı ve zaman zaman birbiri ile uyuşmazlıklar oluşturan  yorumlara ses verebilecek bir arşiv oluşturma amacımız var.

Ibadete Bunjaku – Ahmetaj

Kan Davaları ve Barışma Kampanyası Aktivisti

An old man was almost close to death. And he did not receive us inside his house. He chased us with a stick. He said to his sons…. We tried… we usually insisted, we kept insisting  and got inside. He had a big [national flag’s] eagle {shows with her hands}. The eagle. Quite a patriot. During our talk and the ongoing talk, I got really upset. I said to him, ‘Remove that eagle [from the wall], you are not a man!’ I got the eagle down and stepped on it, I said…. Than he chased me out, and never received me again.

After a week, different groups visited him. He said, ‘No,’ he said, ‘without the presence of that girl,’ he said, ‘I will forgive it only to her,’ he said, ‘to no one else.’ […] And so I went. ‘Uncle, why to her exactly?’ He said, ‘Eh, to remove the eagle from there,’ he said, ‘one needs to have quite some power.’

Behram Hoti

Arnavut Dili ve Edebiyatı Profesörü

They began, the perpetrators began to be identified. The perpetrator was imprisoned together with his brother […] he went to Niš. One, one of the perpetrators died in Niš and the other was released. My father with his friends started to take revenge even before we were born, and he avenged my mother’s blood. It was at that moment that I started feeling in my soul that feuds, brothers killing each other… Look, the ones who attacked my family, who executed my family, let’s leave that to history. They were really harmful to Albanians. But they say that no one ever fired a gun to avenge their mother and their fathers like my father did, a positive gun. But then they began, I, in my soul, I was a student of professor Anton Çetta and many others, I knew him perfectly well, because when my father returned from prison the professor came to visit my father in Drenica…He took stories, various historical and political anecdotes, he collected all that wisdom, he constantly came to Drenica.